Péter Fürjes - principal researchermail: furjes [at] microfluidics: cell behaviour and monitoring - solid state nanopore fabrication and transport modulation based molecule recognition - vectorial force sensors for Minimal Invasive Surgery robotics |
Péter Földesy - senior researchermail: foldesy [at] mfa.kfki.humedical applications: - electro-mechanical integration of vectorial force sensors in MIS robotics - optical/THz range spectroscopy of cancer tissues - optical SEMEN analysis |
Bálint-Hakkel Orsolya - senior researchermail: hakkel [at] - surface modification for microfluidic systems |
Zsófia Baji - postdocmail: baji [at] - fabrication and analysis functional ALD layers |
Zoltán Szabó - postdocmail: zszabo [at] - fabrication and analysis dielectric and magnetic layers, development IR LED and optical spectroscopy methods |
Eszter Holczer - PhD studentmail: holczer [at] - surface modification of microfluidic systems |
Eszter L. Tóth - PhD studentmail: tothe [at] - particle manipulation (mixing and sorting) in microscale - CFD simulation in microscale |
Bányai Anita - engineer in bioinformatics- particle separation |
Hermann Petra - bioengineer- POC diagnostics |
Adrienne Füredi - MSc student- particle separation |
Nyírfás Nóra - MSc student- low power consumption signal processing electronics for sensor array dedicated to "smart wound" |
Béla Major - MSc student- SERS analysis |
Ilka Garai - MSc student- polymer technology for microfluidic systems |
??? - MSc student- chemical gradiens generation |
??? - MSc student- two phase microfluidics |
??? - MSc student- single cell impedance analysis |
Levente Illés - engineer- SEM imaging / EDS analysis- nanoprocessing: FIB / EBAD / IBAD |
Magda Erős - technician- micromachining technology- lithography / soft lithography |
Margit Payer - technician- micromachining technology- lithography / soft lithography |
Gabi Bíró - technician- micromachining technology- lithography / soft lithography |
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